Rachael Gibson

Yoga - Retreats - Aerial Yoga - Acro Yoga


My intention as a teacher is to help each individual find more and more presence, acceptance and joy in their day-to-day lives.





Just for you


Rachael's classes are based on the values of authenticity, playfulness, inclusivity, connection and balance.  There is always a focus on feeling what is actually present in the moment and moving from there.  Coming from this place of presence and acceptance we can let go of expectations and judgements, flowing with possibilities as they unfold.

When we pay attention to our breathing, our physical sensations, our thoughts, our emotions and our connection with the world around us, we can develop our natural ability to flow towards balance and harmony. 

Whether we are moving or staying still, there is always the flow of the breath. There are long, slow breathing practices to pair with soft movements and stillness, while more vigorous breathing practices enhance our energy and power during stronger movement challenges.  And the most simple breathing practice – just having an awareness of your current natural breath – will help you come home to yourself in each moment, to your inner wisdom and to your connectedness with all of life.


“Wherever you are is the perfect place to awaken.
This moment is the exact place to practice compassion and loving awareness. You have all the ingredients to breathe and find freedom just where you are.”

- Jack Kornfield

“Accepting every breath, sensual experience, and emotion as doorways to deep and intimate contact with the energies of life.”

- Lorin Roche, The Radiance Sutras

What People Are Saying


“Rachael you are amazing!! Thank you so much for your guidance and sharing your knowledge with us. We always feel so good after your classes!!”

— Lee-Anne Smith

"Best most gentle sequence ever but got into every nook and cranny... she's a legendary teacher"

— Ellonie Shute